August 13, 2011

In 1905, Edmund Meade-Waldo and Michael Nicoll spotted a sea serpent off the coast of Brazil. What makes this encounter unique amongst sea monster sightings was that both men were trained, respected zoologists. So, what did they see?  And is it possible that the Valhalla sea serpent actually exists? The Valhalla Sea Serpent? At approximately…

July 31, 2011

In 1997, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) detected a strange noise in a remote part of the Pacific Ocean. After several repeated incidents, the sound vanished, never to be heard again. What did the bloop sound like? And what was behind the strange noise? What was the Bloop? The Bloop was a…

July 16, 2011

In August 1848, several crew members aboard the HMS Daedalus spotted a gigantic sea serpent measuring over sixty feet long in the North Atlantic. Were they correct? Did the Daedalus Sea Serpent actually exist? The Daedalus Sea Serpent? According to paleontologist Dr. Darren Naish, the answer is a qualified “maybe.” On July 12, the Zoological…

June 30, 2011

So, the other day I wandered over to Cryptomundo and noticed an exciting announcement about Bigfoot.  A group known as the Sanger Paranormal Society claims to have found possible DNA evidence of the elusive Bigfoot. “The reason that we’re holding this press conference is because we have potentially what may be the best evidence of…