November 8, 2011

We here at Guerrilla Explorer wish to extend our thank you to “Indiana Jones” (is that really you Harrison Ford???) for writing a 5-star review for Chaos on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Check it out… Hang on to your seat! If you like roller coaster action, fast-paced adventure and the thrill of treasure, you’ll love Chaos,…

November 7, 2011

In 1937, Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman split the atom, giving Nazi Germany an early edge in the race to build the world’s first atomic bomb. Just how close did Hitler get to developing the most powerful weapon mankind has ever known? The Chaos Book Club Today is Day 15 of the Chaos book club. Chaos is an adventure thriller…

November 6, 2011

There are currently 118 confirmed chemical elements, the last 24 of which are synthetic. But as scientists construct larger and larger atomic nuclei, these artificial elements become increasingly unstable, often breaking up in mere seconds or even microseconds. However, some scientists believe that this won’t always be the case and await the day when the…

November 4, 2011

On November 11, 1918, Harry Gardiner signed some insurance papers at the Bank of Hamilton and purchased a $1,000 bond. But Gardiner wasn’t technically inside the bank at the time. He was outside, dangling far above street level, practicing the little known art of buildering. After completing his business, Gardiner finished scaling the building, as…

November 3, 2011

During World War II, Nazi Germany worked on an astounding array of futuristic weapons including heat-seeking missiles, a gigantic 1,000 pound tank, a stealth fighter, and an acoustic cannon. But perhaps the most spectacular and mysterious Nazi super weapon of all was known as die Glocke. The Chaos Book Club Today is Day 11 of the Chaos book…

November 1, 2011

On February 10, 1935, a 16 year old boy named Salvatore Condulucci was shoveling snow into an open manhole. Suddenly, he saw movement and shouted, “Honest, it’s an alligator!” But are sewer alligators real things? Or is this just an urban myth? The Chaos Book Club Today is Day 9 of the Chaos book club. Chaos is an adventure thriller…

October 31, 2011

Deep below Manhattan, an abandoned subway track gathers dust. At the end of Track 61, a rusty subway car rests quietly. Popular rumor holds it was President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s personal car. Supposedly, it was used to help him secretly enter the Waldorf=Astoria without revealing that he was partially paralyzed. This subway car is considered by…

October 29, 2011

In 1993, Jennifer Toth wrote The Mole People: Life in the Tunnels Beneath New York City, which chronicled an orderly society of homeless individuals living deep under New York’s busy streets. The book was an instant hit and yet, garnered tons of controversy. Was her work accurate? Do “Mole People” really exist? The Chaos Book Club Today…