October 9, 2011

As I write this, protestors are gathered around the United States as part of the Occupy Wall Street movement. While they appear to lack a common platform, one of their primary concerns seems to be the enormous and growing debt load incurred by many students while attending college. Why is that load so enormous in…

October 8, 2011

Many thanks to Rae at Best O’ Books for reviewing my upcoming novel, Chaos. She gave it four out of five and her comments were exceedingly generous. First Review of Chaos! Here’s a taste… Mr. Meyer writes a fast-paced, engaging tale that would make an excellent movie. As I was reading, I was imagining the…

October 8, 2011

Several years ago, New York University made plans to demolish the Bellevue Hospital Medical College building in New York City. In the process, it discovered the existence of a mysterious time capsule which had gone undetected for more than 100 years. A few days ago, this capsule was finally opened. What did scholars find inside of…

October 7, 2011

African witch doctors have long used a certain tea to help pregnant women induce labor and delivery. The ingredients of that concoction are now being exhaustively studied by scientists. Could the secrets of the witch doctors save millions of lives? Kalata-Kalata & Secrets of the Witch Doctors? During the 1960s, a Norwegian doctor named Lorents…

October 6, 2011

The Yeti, aka the Abominable Snowman, is a mysterious cryptid said to live in the Himalaya Mountains. It’s widely considered a mythological creature. But not all scientists agree. And now, some of them are launching an expedition to search for the Yeti. So, is the Yeti a legend? Or could this new expedition possibly bear…

October 5, 2011

According to history books, Adolf Hitler shot and killed himself on April 30, 1945 while residing in an underground bunker in Berlin. His remains were subsequently burnt. But this story has long been questioned. Did Hitler truly die in the bunker? Or did he escape to somewhere else, unidentified and unpunished? Was there a Hitler…

October 4, 2011

On November 1, 2007, an unknown person or persons murdered Meredith Kercher in Perugia, Italy. Italian prosecutors charged Amanda Knox, Raffaele Sollecito, and Patrick Lumumba with her murder. The tabloids quickly erupted with stories of witchcraft and Satanism. Yesterday, after four long years of prison, Amanda was released from jail in a stunning turn of…

October 3, 2011

The French Resistance is a term used to describe the loosely-connected French freedom fighters who conducted secret raids and sabotage attacks against the occupying Nazi forces during World War II. For many years, they’ve been celebrated for their heroic sacrifices and efforts to help the Allies defeat the Axis Powers. But not everyone believes this…