October 2, 2011

In 1006 AD, ancient astronomers and astrologers from around the world witnessed a strange cosmic event. A brilliant light emitted from a strange and new “star” in the sky. The incident lasted for three months and was marveled at separately in places as far apart as China, Egypt, and Switzerland. Did these ancient scientists observe…

September 22, 2011

In Jules Verne’s classic adventure novel, Around the World in Eighty Days, Phileas Fogg and his valet Passepartout attempt to circle the Earth in eighty days in order to win a £20,000 wager. Now, thanks to modern technology, you can accomplish the same trip…in the span of just one minute. Around the World in 80…

August 30, 2011

In 1950, Immanuel Velikovsky published a book entitled, Worlds in Collision. This work, which involved decades of research, subsequently became a best-seller. However, it also inspired unprecedented backlash from the scientific community, which became known as the Velikovsky Affair. Who was Velikovsky and why were his ideas derided by established scientists? Who was Immanuel Velikovsky? Immanuel Velikovsky…

August 10, 2011

The origin of life is a question that has baffled generations of scholars. However, the panspermia theory recently received a gigantic boost from NASA scientists. This theory proposes that life didn’t originate on earth…it came from outer space. What is Panspermia? Panspermia is the theory that extremely hardy forms of life, such as bacteria, exist…

August 7, 2011

The moon is more than just a celestial body. Its also the source of unanswered questions, speculation, and mystery. One particularly strange mystery involves the vast geographical differences between it’s near side and its far side. Why are these two sides so different from each other? The Moon: Near Side vs. Far Side The moon…

August 2, 2011

In mid-2001, the skies opened up, unleashing a deluge of rain on the southern half of the Indian state of Kerala. But this was no ordinary rain. This was “blood rain,” a strange phenomenon where ordinary raindrops appear red in color. What caused the red rain? Something from this earth? Or did it come from…

July 11, 2011

From 1347 to 1350, the Black Death ravaged Europe, reducing its population by somewhere between 30-60%.  It was one of the most lethal pandemics in history and as everyone knows, was caused by the bubonic plague.  Or was it? Mysteries of the Black Death Conventional wisdom holds that the Black Death was the third great…