February 26, 2013

We still don’t know much about what Earth looked like millions of years ago. But underwater lost worlds are popping up with increased frequency these days. The latest example is Mauritia. Unfortunately, I’m skeptical…very skeptical. The Lost World of Mauritia? Millions of years ago, Mauritia supposedly split off from Madagascar and made its way east, thanks…

February 14, 2013

Peru, like much of Central and South America, is a veritable treasure trove of lost history. This latest discovery is a lost temple located within the ruins at El Paraiso. However, it’s estimated to be 5,000 years old, making it 1,000 years older than the rest of the ruins. So, it appears to be from…

June 7, 2012

In 1526, Hernán Cortés wrote about a fabled lost city. Generations of scholars have considered it a myth. But now, a new expedition may be on the verge of proving otherwise. Did the lost city of Ciudad Blanca really exist? The Mysterious Lost City of Ciudad Blanca? In 1526, Cortés wrote his fifth letter to…

May 7, 2012

In 1590, John White led an expedition to the New World to resupply the English colony on Roanoke Island in what is now North Carolina. But to his surprise, he found the area deserted. What happened to the Lost Colony? The Lost Colony of Roanoke? The disappearance of the 119 colonists (including Virginia Dare, the…

February 29, 2012

Deep in the jungles of the Petén Basin lies Calakmul, one of the great lost cities of the Mayas. The Lost City of Calakmul? The lost city of Calakmul remained undiscovered by outsiders until 1931. Since that time, it’s become more accessible but just barely. It’s an archaeological paradise and contains the second-largest Maya structure…

January 27, 2012

Lost cities are a fascinating subject. But have we found them all? Or is there ancient megalithic architecture still out there, waiting to be discovered? Do Lost Cities Still Exist? A few weeks back, I was trekking through the Yucatán Peninsula, in search of ancient Maya lost cities. Much of the upper part of this…

January 8, 2012

When European settlers first ventured through Illinois, they encountered an astonishing sight – 120 colossal mounds of earth that marked the high points of an ancient city. What was the lost city of Cahokia? The Lost City of Cahokia? This lost city was constructed by the Mississippian culture around AD 600 – 1400. It is not…

January 7, 2012

Between AD 800 and 900, the Classic Maya civilization suddenly collapsed. The abrupt decline of this fascinating and highly sophisticated population has baffled archaeologists for decades. Nearly 100 theories purport to account for the collapse, including drought, revolution, and diseases. Now, Creek Indian architect and city planner Richard Thornton has added a new theory to…